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作者:本站综合    来源:www.pchwz.com    更新时间:2010年03月11日




  New PSP 3000 hacked - Datel gives the green light to PSP 3000 service mode!

  MaxConsole can exclusively reveal that the brand new PSP 3000 model is now perfectly hackable thanks to Datel's newest tool battery that will put the PSP 3000 into service mode. Once you're in service mode, you can downgrade your PSP and pretty much do what you want with it! The new crypto processor based battery is called the LITE BLUE TOOL battery and will enable the service mode on both PSP 2000 and PSP 3000 models. It will come with the option to toggle between a service mode and normal mode, and also features a built in LED power gauge. Look out for the LITE BLUE TOOL when it goes on sale from November 28th priced at $19.99 in the UK market and $29.99 across North America.

  We've also been given exclusive information on how exactly Datel came to their working PSP 3000 solution:

  Datel's Raw Science engineering division have been hard at work to unllock the protected service mode since the PSP 3000 come out in Japan last month.

  “Although there were early indications that the PSP3000 had embedded Service Mode capability, it was clear that silicon level investigation would be required to understand the new mechanism” said Datel.

  “Once the target IC had been identified, our engineers then de-capsulated the device and prepared it for hi-resolution SEM imaging” he added, explaining the high-tech methods employed in this project.

  The engineers then used circuit extraction to reveal the additional service mode only encryption functions which were not present on earlier generation PSPs. In order to be compatible with these encryption functions, Datel created an advanced IC controller which will be put straight into use in their newest service mode battery technology.

  大意为:datel的最新电池工具让psp3000可以进入服务模式。可以随便降级你的psp。 新的电池叫做lite blue tool,也可在psp2000上使用。。。。11月28号在北美地区发售,19.99美元,欧洲29.99欧元。



  近日,在QJ论坛上,一位名为Twilight_Genesis 的会员表示,在PSPGEN论坛上发现了PSP新游戏破解软件Gamedecrypter的作者兼GEN自制系统的核心成员yoshihiro所发布的一个声明贴,内容中称:yoshihiro以后将不会再为PSP游戏破解工作上做任何更新。这对于PSP玩家来说,无疑是一个晴天霹雳,这就意味着Gamedecrypter不会再对以后更高版本的游戏支持,而GEN系列的系统也有可能不再更新。






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